
My name is Andrew Noriega. I recently opened a home recording studio and music label, Dust Jacket Records, LLC, in Culpeper, Virginia. I understand the struggle of emerging musical talent, specifically with affordable, quality recording and mixing. 

Being in a band myself, I have a passion for creating music the way I, as the artist, want it to sound. I am doing this for you to have creative flexibility! I know it is a challenging process, and I strive to make this an easy, custom experience at an affordable rate. This includes all studio equipment available to you, and there is space for your own equipment as needed. Hang in the lounge area during downtime.

I hold a certification from the Recording Radio Film Connection in ProTools sound recording and mixing. Additionally, I've taken mixing courses through The Recording Revolution. I also spent time once a week for 4-5 months at Trilogy Sound Studio in Burke, VA with Engineer Matthew Fauna, setting up microphones and recording live instrument tracks.

I would love to be able to help out however my services can be utilized. Contact me via e-mail at dustjacketrecords@gmail.com or via social media, and let's get something started!